Tim Burden returns with an exclusive interview with Academy Award winning composer Ludovic Bource. Bource’s fantastic score to THE ARTIST garnered numerous awards in 2011 including the BAFTA, the Golden Globe, and an IFMCA Award for Breakout Composer of the Year. During the course of the program Tim will be chatting with Bource about his career and the score that made him a house hold name. Tim will also be sharing with us selections from the Golden Age classics that inspired Bource’s score. After the program please head over to Tim Burden’s personal site by clicking HERE!
PLAYLIST • INTRO (0:00) • THE ARTIST: OVERTURE (2:13) • INTERVIEW WITH LUDOVIC BOURCE (3:12) • THE ARTST: SUITE (32:25) • PRINCE VALIANT (Waxman) 42:07 • CAPE FEAR (Herrmann) 52:39 • FOUR WIVES (Steiner) 1:04:38 • THE CHAMP (Gillespie) 1:13:23 • VERTIGO (Herrmann) 1:16:00