GUEST HOST: TIM BURDEN Following in the tradition of THE SIMPSONS, who like to present their Treehouse of Horror a week AFTER Halloween, we are proud to present our Easter Special AFTER the Easter holiday. I know it doesn’t make much sense but we’ve been rather busy and didn’t get the show produced in time to present BEFORE the holiday. In any case, is there really a bad time to listen to the music that our guest host Tim Burden will be playing for you? Just look at this playlist; BEN-HUR (Rozsa), AMAZING GRACE (Arnold), KING OF KINGS (Rozsa), THE ROBE (Newman) THE PRINCE OF EGYPT (Zimmer/Schwartz), HOP (Lennertz) and THE TEN COMMANDMENTS (Bernstein). I think you are really going to enjoy the program. After the show, I welcome you to visit Tim’s new website by clicking HERE!
How did I miss this program last year? At any rate, glad you called our attention to it again! I really enjoyed it. I did especially appreciate the “Prince of Egypt” selections – it’s been a long time since I saw this film, and I had no memory of the score beyond the opening number and “When You Believe.” It is great stuff, isn’t it?
(By the way, Tim, I don’t think, thelogicaly speaking, that you were “stretching” at all to make a connection between “Amazing Grace” and the Easter theme…! And, speaking as a Trekkie, I thought you should’ve followed that up with James Horner’s brief arrangement of the hymn tune from “Star Trek II”!)
Thanks Mike. I love Prince of Egypt, Hans finest work if you ask me. Amazing Grace is David’s own personal favourite and I can see why. Happy Easter! :-o)
How did I miss this program last year? At any rate, glad you called our attention to it again! I really enjoyed it. I did especially appreciate the “Prince of Egypt” selections – it’s been a long time since I saw this film, and I had no memory of the score beyond the opening number and “When You Believe.” It is great stuff, isn’t it?
(By the way, Tim, I don’t think, thelogicaly speaking, that you were “stretching” at all to make a connection between “Amazing Grace” and the Easter theme…! And, speaking as a Trekkie, I thought you should’ve followed that up with James Horner’s brief arrangement of the hymn tune from “Star Trek II”!)
Thanks Mike. I love Prince of Egypt, Hans finest work if you ask me. Amazing Grace is David’s own personal favourite and I can see why. Happy Easter! :-o)