Thunderous drums and complex brass writing help form the dynamic rhythmic backbone of the score! What makes this score even more impressive is that the orchestra is synthetic. Now, that will turn off most soundtrack collectors but Christopher Drake’s “gear” is top of the line and rendered out one of the finest synth/sample orchestras you will ever hear.
With only three and a half weeks to score the picture, Drake worked incredibly hard on creating the right sound from his synthesizers and samples to make them sound like a real orchestra. While there are only a few moments during the course of the album’s playing time where certain instruments sound a little dated, the rest sounds incredible and I guarantee that traditionalist will be mightily impressed when they hear the sound quality of this album.
In any case, this is one of the most impressive comic book film scores I’ve heard in years! It’s right up there with some of the best of the best! This album is available on La La Land Records.