Just a quick note to my loyal listeners that the show is on a brief hiatus. I’m in the middle of selling my home and buying a new one so I haven’t had any time to produce any new shows. Don’t worry, the promised Hero Kids, New Releases, End Credit cues and MovieScore Media programs are still being produced but in the meantime a few of my fantastic guest hosts will be providing programming in my absence. And if you really need your film music radio fix then look at the column to your right (you might have to scroll down a bit) or go to our
LINKS section to find more great film music programming. Sorry for the inconvenience. I’ll be back soon.
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Hi Erik,
How is the house move going?? Sounds like a major logistic exercize..
We move Oct 1. Hopefully, I can get a few shows in before the move. Moving itself pretty much sucks. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.